Hi Alena, I would like to say thank you for organizing and translating a fantastic DNS D course in Prague. I hope that you will pass on the same to your team of physios, who's patience, guidance and skill made the learning and application of advanced positions, a challenging pleasure to engage in. I hope also that you may find the time to pass on my sincere thanks and regards to Pavel, for once again taking the time to assess my own spine. Without DNS and the self treatment techniques I have learned, I would surely have been a candidate for some terrible surgery long before now, but instead I now look forward with optimism to not only regaining my functionality but also being able to guide others towards the benefits of DNS, both as an educational tool through DNS for Sport, as well as a treatment option. I sincerely appreciate my fortunes at being accepted onto the D course. I look forward nervously to the D test, and to being back in Prague again soon.
Karl White, Denmark
Course "D" was excellent. Pavel's lecture on the importance of knowing and understanding the postural reactions and developmental kinesiology solidified my understanding of the DNS concept. The breakout into small groups to practice with real patients were invaluable. The feedback and instructions I received from Jana, Petra, Martina, and Sarka during the lab part of Course "D" were excellent. They were all helpful and explained the concepts, progression of exercises, and proper handling to centrate the joints clearly. This was a worthwhile course. Thanks
Francisco dela Cruz, MPT, OCS
Kaiser Permanente
Physical Therapy Department
Baldwin Park, CA USA
Hi Alena!
Thank you again for a well organized course with very interesting content. It brought the DNS from the c-course to an obvious new level, but still it became clear how much more there is to learn. Muchthanks to thesmall group practicals and to the fact thatyou used certain patient categories as means to illustrate how DNS is usedsimilar, but still differentlydepending on what you like to achieve and focus on.
Glenn Ekstrand
Leg. Kiropraktor, MSc.
Taking the D course in Prague was truly an awesome experience. It deepened my understanding and appreciation for DNS and why it is such an amazing approach to patient care. Having access to the entire Prague School Staff allowed me to get the answers that I needed to improve my practice. The hands on nature of the course allowed me to improve not only my hands but also my eyes when working with patients. Now I am just trying to figure out when I am going to get back.
Tyler Ideus Lincoln, NE
I never thought that I would be flying overseas to take a six-day course on any subject. Then, after the first day of the D Course, I knew that this would not be my only trip to Prague. Without exception, the Prague School physiotherapists are impressive in their scope of knowledge and their depth of understanding of human motor development and control. Each is unique in perspective and teaching style, all are exceptionally talented; offering a wealth of information-humbly, patiently, generously-to their students. I have never been among such an abundance of expertise as Pavel and the Prague School physiotherapists.
Studying DNS is not just about learning new technique or skills, but developing the conceptual framework to approach the body in a global manner, with an understanding of the play between the neurological and the biomechanical that reveals the links that lead to the patient's presentation before you.
If you are early in your career and this approach interests you, I encourage you to study it now, and you will be rewarded with a depth of understanding that you can continue to develop over the course of your career treating patients. If you are a seasoned clinician wondering if there isn't something more, something better you could be offering, be prepared to be enlightened and inspired. The increase in your observational skills will enable you to "see with new eyes", providing a level of understanding that will enable you to make treatment choices based on sound rationale at every step.