Online Video Library

  • Presently consists 31 videos
  • The videos are sorted by topics
  • When browsing it is possible to click on the specific topic which will quickly display selected rehabilitation technique.
  • It is possible to mark selected techniques and send them to the client
  • Additionally,  it contains videos from DNS lectures (Miscellaneous)
  • New videos will be continuously uploaded to the library

1 year subscription



Internet connection is required to access the videos.

Videos cannot be downloaded, only online viewing is possible using a web browser. However, the DNS App allows both online and off line viewing.

After purchase, the subscriber will be emailed a username and password to log into the library.

Electronic on-line version ( e-pub) of exercise positions depicted on DNS Self-treatment booklet and Pelvic floor exercise booklet vailable as a free bonus


Content - please check the video samples in the individual chapters

Contains 17 videos of 81 minutes in total length

Contains 3 videos of 43 minutes in total length

75 min video describes the physiological development of the child

A practical guide instructing patients in layman’s terms how to perform exercises according to the DNS concept. Self-treatment examples. 66-minute video

part 1- DNS applications in fitness - undifferentiated positions - 44 -minute video

+ 16 minutes DNS assessment and training of the competitive runner

  • Exercise in the rhythm of poems from DNS FIT KID Journal
  • 34 minute demonstration lesson
  • Aerobic gymnastics team performs DNS warm-up

Examples of DNS assessment and treatment in specific cases 

Contains 3 videos -  97 minutes total length

Contains 6 videos in a total length of 60 minutes


© Copyright Viktor Kobes, Rehabilitation Prague School 1999 -
