Course “D” in Prague 

September 16 - 20, 2014

Dear Colleagues,

I have been to Prague several times for the D course and each time it is a wonderful experience. There is always new information, but even material that is repeated is new in a way from a Gestalt perspective. I view DNS like Tai Chi in that it is a lifetime study and you can only achieve a high level with repeated input and practice. Studying with Pavel and Alenais always enlightening, but there is a lot of hands on with the Physios in the D course which helpsmy growth in all the facets of DNS.The camaraderie is a special part of the D course or any course in Prague as many laughs are shared over great beer and foodin a very beautiful and unique cityin the evenings after a challenging day at the hospital. I have become friends with Chiro's, Physio's, Osteopaths, M.D.'s, and PhD's from all parts of the globe through attending courses in Prague and look forward to my next visit. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions for your trip to Prague.


Ray Fowler, DC, FACO, DACRB, DNS

Atlanta, USA

“DNS D in Prague is the culmination of the extensive work all attendees did in their home countries to master the DNS approach. It was a wonderful experience to be with an advanced group of students still striving to perfect their skill and master the DNS approach. The instructors cycled through offering us key points as viewed through their lens intheir practices. Prof. Kolar was inspirational as usual. Old techniquesfelt fresh, new, and exciting when masterfully demonstrated by the Prague School therapists. Even so, I didn't fullygrasp the value of what I had learned until I was back in my practice the following week - seeing greater success, quicker responses to therapy, and added confidence in myapplication of Kolar's approach to rehabilitation.”

Benjamin Fergus, DC

Chicago, USA

"After haven taken the DNS courses I'm sure the Prague School is leading the way of future manual medicine. I have seen theese instructors treating developing scoliosis and reversing the progress, I have seen them treating neurologic disorders with amazing decrease in symptoms and improved function, I have seen them changing the muscle function in babies and of course helping the everyday patient by optimising the locomotor function. It's a revolution in rehabilitation." 

Mvh Christer Førland

Stavanger - Sandnes Kiropraktikk, Norway

One whole week spent with the pearl of rehabilitation medicine (DNS) in the pearl among the cities (Prague), magnificent... My gratitude goes to Professors Kolar and Kobesova, and to the instructors of the Prague school of rehabilitation medicine.

Božidar Egić , Croatia

Ever since we started working with patients, we have been looking for techniques to optimize our patient care. Moreover, we wanted to bridge the gap between treatment and active training. However, oftentimes we experienced an adverse patient outcome with increased work loads, even though we thought we were targeting all the right muscles with techniques that all seemed very suitable. We never really understood why, until we came across Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization.

Professor Kolar and his crew managed to make this almost painfully clear to us. In our opinion, no other method than DNS provides such a solid foundation to the tests and techniques being used. By comparing keypoints in developmental kinesiology between individuals, one is able to see (and experience!) the way the human brain controls a person’s muscular system (if only that…) from even before birth. DNS forms a solid basis to do so, and then to very effectively target any eventual deviations from the normal, ideal pattern. The fact that it can be used safely for any age group of course is an absolute bonus.

As far as we are concerned, DNS course D is an definite ”to do” on any serious rehab specialist’s list. To us it has proven to be the culmination of years of amazing experiences and practice in the field of DNS. As a DNS colleague of ours once stated: DNS is power through precision. The more DNS courses we attend and the more often we see the crew of Prague School ”work their magic”, the more astounded we get by their superior treatment outcomes. Thank you very much, Pavel, Alena and all the others, for sharing your knowledge with us! It makes us realize how much this form of care is needed in the world out there.

Anna Jonasson & Ruud Alsemgeest

Funktions Fabriken, Stockholm, Sweden

DNS is the framework that all other manual therapy techniques can be integrated within. It provides practitioners with the clinical rationale and reasoning skills to resolve a wide spectrum of patient problems. The D course did a great job of presenting cases that are relevant to a clinician in any setting. I returned from Prague with a greater handle on the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of neurologic, pediatric and musculoskeletal conditions. I was also pleased to be able to enhance my skills in exercise instruction which has practical application in any patient population, from elite athletes to the general public. A special thank you to Pavel, Alena and all of the gifted Prague School PT's.

Joel Kirsch DC

Detroit, USA




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