This structured exercise program is designed for everyone who works or would like to work with children.
The program is divided into two parts. The first program, DNS FIT KID, introduces the concept of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization and the basic principles of motion. An integral part of the course is working with the developmental positions used in DNS. Participants will practice utilizing the developmental positions with youth. The positions are modified for children to make it easy to understand the training goals. In addition, each exercise is completed with numerous variations, and rhythmic rhymes to fully establish the exercises in the childs memory. The second part, called DNS FIT KID LICENSE is an advanced course for those who want to receive the certification to conduct lessons with children under the title DNS FIT KID. The course objectives are designed to increase the knowledge and skills from the first course. Participants will discuss personal experience from practicing using the DNS FIT KID program. Participants will also use the DNS work with children under the instructor’s supervision.
The goal is to guarantee the highest quality of programing throughout the world and create robust training centers network.
DNS FIT KID Basic Course
Two day course for everyone working with children
Course description:
The aim of this course is to introduce DNS structured exercise units along with a complete structured exercise series, and to give the practitioner methodical description and practice of their management. Course objectives include an introduction to the principles of motor control with an emphasis on testing and correction of movement in selected developmental positions and variations. The kinesiological links between individual transitions and tips to correct children performing the exercise sub optimally will be explained.
DNS FIT KID exercise units of structured exercise are programed to keep the children focused for 15-60 minutes. The duration of the lesson varies depending on the purpose and the individual characteristics of the child. At the same time, we strive for the active involvement of children by improving their body perception and awareness. Children are taught how to recognize "correct" and "poor" movement and to learn how to self-correct. The ultimate goal is to improve spontaneous movement of the child.
The course is a guide about how to work with children individually or in a group. The course introduces the basic neurophysiological principles of DNS, but the main focus is on practicalities of working with children course participants performing the exercise under the instructor’s supervision, as well as workshopping with young children present at the course.
Tentative course schedule:
Day 1: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
DNS and basic principles of movement
DNS FIT KID lesson examples
The Bug: 3 months developmental position: its variations, kinesiological analysis Optimal performance and the most common mistakes
The Frog: 3-6 months developmental position: its variations, kinesiological analysis. Optimal performance and the most common mistakes
Day 2: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
⁃DNS FIT KID lesson examples - demonstration
The Cat: 7-9 months developmental position: its variations, kinesiological analysis. Optimal performance and the most common mistakes
The Bear: 12 months developmental positions: its variations, kinesiological analysis. Optimal performance and the most common mistakes
⁃Demonstration of DNS FIT KID assessment and training of younger school age children
The Elephant: 12 -13months developmental positions: its variations, kinesiological analysis. Optimal performance and the most common mistakes
Utilization of DNS FIT KID Exercise Journal in practice
Final discussion, questions and answers
The course is mostly practical. After an email agreement with the local course organizer, participants can bring their own younger children clients to participate in a "live exercise units" (afternoon, second day of the course). Maximum of 6 children can be brought.
Course participants will receive electronic materials before the course (presentations the instructor will be using during the course).
Course participants will receive a certificate of attendance and one hard copy DNS FIT KID Journal
Two days course for participants who completed Basic DNS FIT KID Course
Course description:
This course is designed for participants who want to receive a certification of DNS FIT KID Trainer in order to be eligible to host training units entitled DNS FIT KID. Course participants will receive a structured training guide. The guide includs a testing protocol to be used at the beginning and end of the DNS FIT KID lessons series, and DNS FIT KID Exercise workbook. This will allow DNS FIT KID Trainers to collect, compare and further modify the exercise plan for the child and to tailor FIT KID lessons for individuals or a group of children. The participants in this course will learn how to recognize the causes of success or failure, and how to evaluate the effectiveness of the program.
During this advanced course the participants need to demonstrate the ability to use the DNS method in practice, i.e. to determine the correct functional diagnosis and to design an appropriate exercise training program for a specific child client. Participants must also demonstrate their ability to conduct a DNS FIT KID training unit.
For this purpose, each student is expected to send a video between 5 and 10 minutes long to the course instructor no later than 1 month before the course. This video should present the child before the DNS exercise programming and at the end of the exercise series according to DNS principles using the knowledge and skills from the previous basic DNS FIT KID course.
The prerequisite is to work with a child for a period for at least 6 weeks with a frequency of 1 or 2 times a week. Once the participant registers to the DNS FT KID License course, he or she will receive the exact instructions by email how to prepare a video demonstrating participant’s DNS FIT KID work with a client.
Before the start of the course, the candidate will receive from the instructor, an evaluation of the video material provided previously. This evaluation will be provided by email. The price for this video test is included in the price of the course.
During the course, video materials provided by course participants will be analyzed and discussed. DNS instructor will select and prepare the most illustrative sequences from the videos submitted by course delegates. During a group discussion with an instructor, the goal will be to identify children’s most serious functional postural problems and to determine the optimal exercise procedure.
During the practical workshops, DNS instructor will lead a group exercise of the course participants, aiming for maximum perception of the quality of movement, ideal postural stabilization both in static development positions and during transitions within DNS FLOW sequences.
During the "live" exercise units with children brought to the course, as well as using video examples, the course participants need to demonstrate the ability to properly analyze children posture and movement and to select adequate exercises to target recognized postural and movement insufficiencies.
Course participants will receive electronic materials before the course (presentations the instructor will be using during the course).
Course participants will receive a certificate of attendance and one hard copy DNS FIT KID workbook. Participants will learn how to work with the workbook during the course.
At the end of the course participants who adequately complete a video test and demonstrate competence in the DNS FIT KID program will receive a License to run training units entitled DNS FIT KID.
Throughout the course, attendees will be monitored and evaluated by the instructor. Participants must demonstrate the competence in conducting live DNS FIT KID lessons, perform analysis and be able to effectively correct deviations from the model of optimal postural-locomotion function. It is important for the course participants to demonstrate the competence to use DNS FIT KID program when practically working with children with various postural, movement quality and sports level fitness.
Tentative course schedule:
Day 1: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Feedback from participants: their experience when applying DNS FIT KID program in practice - both positive and negative types of experience, analysis of possible causes of failure
FLOW verticalization sequence
Analysis of video material provided by course participants
DNS FIT KID structured exercise units and exercise series: theory
DNS FIT KID structured exercise units: practice
Palm - support point and a grasping organ, how to train its function
Day 2: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Analysis of the videos provided by course participants: recognize the key errors in children’s posture and movement and suggest optimal strategies for corrections
Structured exercise unit DNS FIT KID with a present child or children led by the course instructor, analysis of the exercise unit, demonstration of work with DNS Exercise Journal and workbook, discussion
Foot - support point and a grasping organ, how to train its function
Stability and mobility, their relationship and possibilities to train it
Final discussion questions and answers, evaluation of participant’s competence when applying DNS FIT KID in practice, DNS FIT KD License award
The course is mostly practical. After an email agreement with the local course organizer, participants can bring their own younger children clients to participate in a "live exercise units" (afternoon, second day of the course). A maximum of 6 children can be brought.
"DNS FIT KID poster"
DNS FIT KID poster depicts exercise modifications for children in DNS animal positions. This poster is a valuable tool to supplement the DNS FIT KID Journal and a quick guide on how to train correct trunk stabilization, functional joint centration and dynamic movement patterns with children in a playful way. You can buy here